What is at risk to commit?

My core program is about time and not about content.  Content will show up.  Content varies based upon individual needs and wants.  I have found that a commitment to time allows the greatest opportunity for the modification of false belief systems and less than healthy patterns of behavior.

The time commitment is for twelve weeks which will include weekly sixty to ninety minute face to face, electronic conferencing or telephone meetings.  In addition, included, there will be suggestions and feedback prior to and following each meeting delivered via email.  Finally, there will be access by telephone and or email within twenty four hours to me for “hot” topics following notification.

The first step … will be a sixty minute conversation between us to determine our working compatibility, intention, focus, mutual understanding and agreement for moving forward.

In Your Life …..

What is working?

What is no longer working?

What is in the way?

What needs modification?

What will support look like?

If I may be of service to you, your family or friends …

Please contact me.