What I do How I do it Why I do it
What I do …
I mentor, coach, teach, consult, direct, train, challenge, encourage, appreciate and support others in moving into and taking ownership of their magnificence and brilliance.
My gifts, talents and skills include and are not limited to the ability to listen, the ability to manifest compassion, the ability to see options, possibilities and perspectives others may miss, the ability to ask the hard question, the ability to be with others during difficult moments in a supportive manner and the ability to help others find their specialness, their uniqueness and to take ownership of their goodness and beauty.
How I do it …
- I meet you in the moment.
- I am present with you during the process.
- I listen to you without judgment.
- I advocate and will hold confidential the process work.
- I am a mirror to reflect perspectives not considered.
- I bring insights with compassion and wisdom.
- I challenge and confront with care and respect.
- I hold your soul and humanity with honor and dignity.
Why I do it …
My motivation is to make a conscious contribution within the world for the creation of completeness and wholeness. I recognize the desire, in today’s world, as in yester years, the need for men and woman of connecting relationships, of purposeful action, of mindful guidance and of gratitude and generosity.
Connecting relationships are not limited to relationships among people. Connecting relationships are about relationship with every living creature and inanimate object, at least mindfully.
Purposeful action is about doing whatever is being done on purpose and with intention, it is about knowing one’s purpose in life.
Mindful guidance is about decision making, about choice making, about using both logic and intuition in the process and it is about knowing where and how to find inspiration, help and guidance.
Gratitude and generosity is simply about being thankful for the events and happenings of life and sharing oneself with others.
Look around the Areas of Focus and if something resonates with you please contact me.
Thank you for visiting.
Bill Willis