In 1980, at the age of 39 …

I sat on the edge of my bed with a 357 Colt Python.  I sat there for over an hour.  In the silence and stillness I had a Siddhartha experience.  An “OM” moment.  The internal message was … “do not do this.”  I put the weapon down, called the family physician and within three hours I was meeting with a social worker.  Thus began the journey of discovery for becoming the man I am.

The damage inflicted during the formative years was real, harsh and with lifetime imprints.  Damaged goods.  Unlovable.  Unwanted.  Parental neglect, sexual and physical abuse, abandonment and betrayal formed a lonely and wounded soul.  Yet, underneath it all there was an essential goodness.  It was this essential goodness which was calling me home.  The journey was neither miraculous nor instantaneous.   Many missteps, beliefs and behavioral patterns needed modification.

The road included professional therapy, spiritual directors, silent retreats, a BA Degree in Religious Studies, the study and practice of Zen meditation.  Multiple classes, courses and tools focused upon healing modalities leading to self-awareness, self-understanding, and self-acceptance coupled with personal compassion, as well as, compassion for those less mindful care providers.

Today, counting womb time, I have completed 80 years of heart beats.  I am not ready to surrender to sitting down, to remaining silent and to reading the classics.  The lightning speed of technology is not going to slow down and the evolution of the human condition will not keep pace.  So, please, slow yourself down.  I want to find the room and space to be seen, heard and to serve humanity in maintaining an evolutionary paced journey of growth and development, in this present age, where data and knowledge accumulation travels at the speed of light.

In 2005, in Paris, France, I received Full Leader Certification within the Mankind Project an International Training and Education organization for men.  For me, this honor was what I imagine others experience when completing a Master or Doctorial program.  I had arrived.  I had been accepted as a leader of men by a community committed to changing the world one man at a time.

Often, metaphorically, described as being the “calm:” before the storm or the “eye” of the hurricane my role was to hold the training event container and to allow others to step into their individual and collective leadership and brilliance.  I did this well.  What I missed was the ability to manifest my talents, gifts and skills in the service to others.  I missed engagement of the one on one interaction and the group teachings.  I am here to recapture those most rewarding, nurturing and beneficial experiences for not only myself but for others

My target market is younger men which at my stage of life represents the majority of the male population.  I know men, I understand men’s’ issues, the challenges men face be they personal, interpersonal, group, societal, institutional or culturally oriented.  Moving into mature masculinity is not for sissies.  If you want an ally, an advocate and confidential companionship for your journey of growth and development with one who has traveled the road less traveled.
Please contact me

My services are not limited to just men.  I have and I am willing to work with women, too.  On my personal journey I have been blessed and graced with multiple women serving as guides, teachers, healers and spiritual advocates.

If I may be of service to you, your family or friends …

Please contact me