What is that nagging life issue …?

It is there.  You know it.  Try this simple process.  Bring an open, honest and vulnerable mind and heart for the discovery of an issue.  Most folks find this simple process to be quite difficult.  Imagine what it might be like for the mind to be empty and silent and the heart of the soul to be open and vulnerable.  What would it be like to be completely at peace without any conflicts or drama?  What might it be like to be completely free?

Most people have not known the deep suffering that everyone experienced a thousand or two thousand years ago.  It is something to be read about or watched in movies.  It is what those poor refugees from war and oppression in other lands are experiencing.  It is not part of our lives.  In this postmodern world most people cannot directly relate to suffering, but can relate to conflict.

I invite you to do something which might be counter intuitive.  In searching for a path to peace and freedom take a moment and carefully examine your life.  Find a place of conflict.  Do not just think about it.  Really feel into it.  Sometimes the conflict is within and sometimes the conflict is external.  Could this conflict be a Life Issue?

There are two distinct and different ways of looking at a specific conflict:

  • The perspective of a Contracted Ego, frozen in fear, exploding in anger or imploding in shame.
  • The perspective of a Selfless Witness, looking out fearlessly from vast, silent Soulfulness.

The need for safety is a most unspiritual thing to embrace.  It keeps one frozen, unwilling to take risks and fail.  True spiritual growth requires failure and growth beyond what one feels or thinks one knows.  Is it possible to be frozen in fear and fearless at the same time?  Is it possible to be intoxicated and sober at the same time?

Learn how to consciously choose to be completely open, honest and vulnerable, in order to live life from a state of clarity and fearless compassion that is free of ego confusion, suffering, inner conflict and self-doubt.

What might your conflict be ….?

If I may be of service to you, your family or friends …

Please contact me.