Leadership is all about Self-Management … period.
Responsible leadership is about having personal knowledge, understanding, awareness and acceptance. Effective leadership requires moral principles with ethical manifestations. Leadership is about personal thoughts, verbal expressions, what one does and what one fails to do. Leadership is a lifelong learning process and leadership is not for the faint of heart.
Individual thoughts, spoken words, deeds performed or ignored have impact and they matter. Their impact includes and is not limited to each individual but reach out to one’s family, friends, the neighborhood, the city, the state, the country and, yes, the world. The influence of beliefs and behavioral patterns are subtle and powerful and manifested unconsciously have the potential to be dangerous and destructive.
You are unique and special …
Think about it. No other human being has your experiences. No other human being has seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted exactly what you have experienced. Identical twins may look alike, act alike; yet, remain different because they experience the world in their own way. Are you unique? Absolutely. Are you special? Absolutely.
Below are some questions for consideration in living a life of self-examination. Could there be areas of your life which may need some belief and or behavior modification? Could you benefit from a confidential ally and advocate with whom to explore what is working or not working in your life?
Who are you?
What is your purpose?
When are you manifesting your best?
Where do you find peace and harmony?
How do you prefer to be in the world?
If I may be of service to you, your family or friends …
Please contact me.