It’s All About Relationship

Could there be anything other than relationship?  When I think about it, I must surrender to the truth; I live and I am in constant relationship.  I am in relationship with God, with myself, with nature, with humanity and with the material world all at the same time.  When I accept this as a truth, the truth or, simply, my truth I find it not to be such a reach to accept the spiritual teaching and reality, for me, of God being in all things.  Nice awareness and ownership for me.

Could there be a pecking order or priority of importance for relationships?  After all, God, and nature are at all times with me and I am with them.  It may not be so with humanity and material goods.  What is important here, for me, is to bring awareness and consciousness to this reality and manifest behavior which provides the greatest opportunity to be in right relationships.

 What Are Right Relationships? …

How am I with God?  Am I pursuing a relationship of reverence, friendship and service?

How is my relationship with myself?  Am I growing and developing to my potential and taking responsibility for my mind, body and soul?

How is my relationship with nature?  Am I grateful for nature’s beauty, mystery and teachings?

How is my relationship with humanity?  Am I holding all humanity with honor, respect and dignity?

How is my relationship with the material goods of the world?  Am I frugal with my possessions and using them with purpose and intention?

 How Is It With You? 

How Right Are Your Relationships?

 If I may be of service to you, your family or friends …

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